
Meaning and Usage

A suffix is a linguistic element added to the end of a word to modify its meaning or create a new word. In German, suffixes play a crucial role in forming different parts of speech, such as nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "suffix" in German is "Suffix," which is derived from the Latin word "suffigere," meaning "to attach beneath." In German, suffixes are often added to a base word to indicate grammatical functions, such as forming plural nouns (-en, -e), adjectives (-lich, -ig), or transforming verbs into nouns or adjectives (-ung, -heit).

Comparisons between German and English

The concept of a suffix in German is similar to that in English. Both languages use suffixes to modify the meaning of words and form new words. However, the specific suffixes used and their rules of application differ between the two languages.

Cultural Context

Understanding German suffixes is essential for language learners as it greatly contributes to the formation and comprehension of German words.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Wetter ist oft unvorhersehbarkeit. (The weather is often unpredictable.)
  2. Sie arbeitet fleißig und zuverlässig. (She works diligently and reliably.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "Suffix" in German, practice identifying and using different suffixes in the language. Creating flashcards with base words and their corresponding suffixes can also aid in memory retention.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Prefix: Das Präfix
  • Root: Die Wurzel
  • Derivation: Die Ableitung

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)