
Meaning and Usage

"Verdienen" means "to earn" or "to deserve" in German. It is commonly used when talking about earning money through work or receiving something as a result of one's actions or qualities.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "verdienen" is a verb. It is a combination of the prefix "ver-" (indicating completion or intensification) and the root "dienen" (to serve). The word emphasizes the completion or fullness of serving, leading to the meaning of earning or deserving.

Comparisons between German and English

"Verdienen" has two main meanings, "to earn" and "to deserve," which are similar to its English counterparts. However, in English, there are separate words for "to earn" and "to deserve," while in German, "verdienen" covers both meanings.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of earning what one gets through hard work is highly valued. The word "verdienen" reflects this value, encompassing the idea of deserving something based on one's efforts.

Example Sentences

  • Er verdient viel Geld. (He earns a lot of money.)
  • Sie verdient diese Auszeichnung. (She deserves this award.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "verdienen," think of the "ver-" prefix as intensifying or completing the action of "dienen," which means "to serve." So, "verdienen" emphasizes the completion of serving and earning or deserving as a result.

Additional Vocabulary

  • verdienen (to earn/deserve)
  • das Gehalt (salary)
  • die Belohnung (reward)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich verdiene (I earn/deserve)
  • Du verdienst (You earn/deserve)
  • Er/sie/es verdient (He/she/it earns/deserves)
  • Wir verdienen (We earn/deserve)
  • Ihr verdient (You all earn/deserve)
  • Sie verdienen (They earn/deserve)