
Meaning and Usage

"Abschnitt" in German refers to a section or a segment, often used to describe a part of a text, a journey, or a period of time. It can also refer to a section of a document, a chapter, or a division in a larger context.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Abschnitt" is a compound noun, formed by the combination of the prefix "ab-" (indicating separation or movement away) and the root "Schnitt" (cut). Therefore, "Abschnitt" can be understood as a "cut-off" or a "separated part". Its etymology comes from the Middle High German "abschnit", where "ab" means "off" and "schnit" means "cut".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Abschnitt" is similar to the English word "section" in both meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "Abschnitt" can be commonly found in written texts, official documents, and administrative communication. It's a fundamental word for organizing and structuring information.

Example Sentences

  1. Bitte liest den zweiten Abschnitt des Buches für morgen.
  2. Der Abschnitt der Autobahn ist wegen Bauarbeiten geschlossen.
  3. Der Abschnitt in meinem Leben war schwierig, aber ich habe viel daraus gelernt.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Abschnitt," think of it as a "cut-off" or a "separated part" in a text or a document.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Teil (part)
  • Die Passage (passage)
  • Der Absatz (paragraph)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Abschnitte

Conjugation (for verbs)