
Meaning and Usage

"Klar" in German can mean "clear" or "obvious" when referring to something being easy to understand or transparent. It can also mean "sure" or "of course" when used as an affirmation. Additionally, it can mean "ready" when referring to being prepared for something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Klar" is an adjective in its base form. It does not have a prefix or suffix. The word has its roots in the Middle High German word "klār," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "klar" in German translates to "clear" in English. Both words have similar meanings and can be used in comparable contexts.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "klar" is often used informally to express agreement, understanding, or readiness.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Wasser ist sehr klar. (English: The water is very clear.)
  2. Bist du bereit? Ja, ich bin klar! (English: Are you ready? Yes, I am ready!)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "klar," think of the English word "clear" as they share a similar meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: deutlich (clear), offensichtlich (obvious), sicher (sure)
  • Antonyms: unklar (unclear), unsicher (uncertain)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Klar" is an adjective and does not have a gender or a plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "klar" is primarily used as an adjective, it does not have a conjugation for verbs.