
Meaning and Usage

"Tod" in German means "death" and is commonly used to refer to the state of being dead or the cessation of life.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Tod" is a noun and does not have a prefix or suffix. It originated from the Old High German word "tot," which has the same meaning.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Tod" is related to the English word "death." Both words share the same Indo-European root.

Cultural Context

In German culture, death is often treated with a more solemn and formal approach, and the word "Tod" carries a significant weight in both literary and everyday usage.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Tod ist unvermeidlich. (Death is inevitable.)
  2. Sie trauerte um den Tod ihres Vaters. (She mourned the death of her father.)

Memory Tips

Try associating the word "Tod" with its English equivalent "death" to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Leiche (corpse)
  • sterben (to die)
  • begraben (to bury)

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine Plural: die Tode (for literary or poetic usage), but in everyday language, plural is often used as "Tode" and also "Tode" can be seen as an archaic plural form.


N/A, as "Tod" is a noun.