
Meaning and Usage

  • auf = on / upon / at

Common Usage:

  1. "Die Tasse steht auf dem Tisch." = "The cup is on the table."
  2. "Er wartet auf dich." = "He is waiting for you."

Linguistic Analysis

"Auf" is a preposition used to indicate location, direction, time, or condition. Its etymology can be traced back to Middle High German and Old High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "auf" can correspond to "on," "upon," or "at" in English, depending on the context of its usage.

Cultural Context

The use of "auf" is integral to expressing spatial and temporal relationships in German, as well as indicating conditions or states.

Example Sentences

  1. "Er steht auf der Brücke." = "He is standing on the bridge."
  2. "Die Sonne geht auf." = "The sun is rising."

Memory Tips

Associate "auf" with the English words "on," "upon," or "at" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: in (in), über (over), neben (next to)