
Meaning and Usage

"Rennen" means "to run" in German. It is commonly used to express the action of running or racing at a fast pace.

Linguistic Analysis

"Rennen" is an infinitive form of the verb. It does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It is derived from the Middle High German word "rennen" and has the same meaning as its modern usage.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "rennen" is similar in meaning and usage to the English word "to run." Both words convey the action of moving at a fast pace on foot.

Cultural Context

Running and participating in races are popular activities in German-speaking countries, with events like the Berlin Marathon attracting international participants.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Kinder rennen im Park. (The children are running in the park.)
  2. Er will schnell rennen. (He wants to run fast.)

Memory Tips

Associate "rennen" with the English word "run" and practice using it in context to reinforce its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • rennend (running, present participle)
  • das Rennen (the race)
  • laufen (to walk/run)
  • sprinten (to sprint)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich renne (I run)
  • du rennst (you run)
  • er/sie/es rennt (he/she/it runs)
  • wir rennen (we run)
  • ihr rennt (you run)
  • sie rennen (they run)