
Meaning and Usage

"Studieren" means "to study" in German, and it is commonly used to indicate academic studies at a university or college.

Linguistic Analysis

"Studieren" is a verb and can be broken down into the root "studier-" and the infinitive suffix "-en". The word originates from the Latin "studium", which means "study" or "zeal".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "studieren" in German corresponds to "to study" in English. Both words share the same meaning and usage in the context of academic learning.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich studiere Medizin an der Universität. (I am studying medicine at the university.)
  2. Sie studiert Kunstgeschichte in Berlin. (She studies art history in Berlin.)

Memory Tips

Associate "studieren" with the English word "study" and remember that it is used specifically for academic studies at a higher education institution.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Studium (the studies/academics)
  • der Student / die Studentin (the male student / the female student)
  • die Universität (the university)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich studiere (I study)
  • Du studierst (You study)
  • Er/sie/es studiert (He/she/it studies)
  • Wir studieren (We study)
  • Ihr studiert (You all study)
  • Sie studieren (They study)