
Meaning and Usage

"Verlieren" in German means "to lose" in English. It is used to express the act of losing something or someone, be it a game, a competition, or an object.

Linguistic Analysis

"Verlieren" is a verb in its infinitive form. It is derived from the root "lieren" with the prefix "ver-". The verb follows the regular conjugation patterns for regular verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Verlieren" is similar in meaning to the English word "to lose," and the usage is quite similar as well.

Cultural Context

In sports and competitions, "verlieren" is commonly used to describe losing a game, match, or competition. It's a part of everyday conversation and can be used in various contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe mein Buch verloren. (I have lost my book.)
  2. Wir dürfen nicht verlieren. (We must not lose.)
  3. Er hat sein Handy verloren. (He has lost his phone.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "verlieren" with the feeling of loss, and how it sounds similar to "lose" in English.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Gewinnen (to win)
  • Finden (to find)
  • Sieger (winner)
  • Verlust (loss)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich verliere (I lose)
  • Du verlierst (You lose)
  • Er/Sie/Es verliert (He/She/It loses)
  • Wir verlieren (We lose)
  • Ihr verliert (You lose - plural)
  • Sie verlieren (They lose)