
Meaning and Usage

"Vergleichen" means "to compare" in German. It is used when drawing similarities and differences between two or more things or situations.

Linguistic Analysis

"Vergleichen" is a verb in German. It consists of the prefix "ver-" and the root "gleichen." The prefix "ver-" often indicates a completion or intensification of the action, while "gleichen" means "to be similar." Therefore, "vergleichen" can be understood as intensifying the action of finding similarities.

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent of "vergleichen" is "to compare." Both words share similar meanings and are used in similar contexts.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the act of "vergleichen" is important not only for decision-making but also for general discussions and analysis. Germans tend to value thorough comparisons and often employ this practice in various aspects of life, including product evaluation, academic research, and personal choices.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte die Preise der verschiedenen Geschäfte vergleichen. (Translation: I want to compare the prices of the different stores.)

  2. Sie vergleicht gerne verschiedene Reiseangebote, bevor sie sich entscheidet. (Translation: She likes to compare different travel offers before making a decision.)

Memory Tips

Associate "vergleichen" with the English word "comparison" to remember its meaning. You can also create sentences or scenarios where you compare different items or situations to help reinforce the word's usage in your memory.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Vergleich (noun) / die Vergleiche (plural) - comparison(s)
  • Vergleichbar - comparable
  • Der Vergleichstest - comparative test

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich vergleiche (I compare)
  • Du vergleichst (You compare)
  • Er/sie/es vergleicht (He/she/it compares)
  • Wir vergleichen (We compare)
  • Ihr vergleicht (You [plural] compare)
  • Sie vergleichen (They compare)