
Meaning and Usage

"Schreiben" means "to write" in English. It is commonly used to describe the action of writing something down, such as a letter, a message, or a note.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schreiben" is an infinitive form of the verb. It is a regular verb in German and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "schreiben" in German is similar in meaning and usage to the English word "to write."

Cultural Context

In Germany, writing is highly valued, and there is a strong tradition of literature, so the act of "schreiben" is culturally significant.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich werde ihm einen Brief schreiben. (I will write him a letter.)
  2. Sie schreibt gern Geschichten. (She likes to write stories.)

Memory Tips

Associate "schreiben" with the act of writing by remembering that the word sounds similar to "scribe" in English.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: der Schriftsteller (the writer), die Schrift (the handwriting), das Schreibgerät (the writing utensil)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

  • ich schreibe (I write)
  • du schreibst (you write)
  • er/sie/es schreibt (he/she/it writes)
  • wir schreiben (we write)
  • ihr schreibt (you [all] write)
  • sie/Sie schreiben (they/you write)