
Meaning and Usage

"Ausdruck" in German translates to "expression" in English. It is used to refer to the act of expressing something, such as emotions, thoughts, or ideas. It can also refer to a printed copy, impression, or manifestation of something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Ausdruck" is a compound noun, consisting of the prefix "aus-" meaning "out" or "from," and "der Druck" meaning "pressure" or "printing." The compound "Ausdruck" combines to convey the idea of something being pressed out, which metaphorically describes the act of expressing something.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "expression" in English has a similar meaning to "Ausdruck" in German. Both languages use this word to describe the act of conveying emotions or thoughts, as well as in the context of printing or copying something.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Ausdruck" is often used in the context of expressing emotions, ideas, or artistic creativity. It can also be used in the context of printing, such as when referring to a printout of a document or a piece of art.

Example Sentences

  1. Sein Gesichtsausdruck zeigte seine Verwirrung. (His facial expression showed his confusion.)
  2. Das Gemälde hat einen starken künstlerischen Ausdruck. (The painting has a strong artistic expression.)
  3. Bitte drucken Sie den Ausdruck des Dokuments für meine Unterlagen. (Please print the copy of the document for my records.)

Memory Tips

You can remember "Ausdruck" by thinking of the prefix "aus-" as something coming out or being expressed, and "Druck" as the pressure or impression. This can help in associating the word with the act of expressing something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Expression, Äußerung, Eindruck
  • Antonyms: Unterdrückung (suppression), Verschweigen (concealment)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Ausdrücke

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "Ausdruck" is a noun, it does not have a verb conjugation.