
Meaning and Usage

"Lassen" means "to let" or "to allow" in German. It is used to express allowing something to happen or leaving something in a certain state.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "lassen" is an infinitive form of a verb, and it comes from the Old High German word "lassen" meaning "let, permit."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "lassen" translates to "to let" or "to allow" in English.

Example Sentences

  1. Bitte lassen Sie mich in Ruhe.
  2. Sie lässt die Tür offen.

Memory Tips

Think of "lassen" as allowing something to happen or leaving something as it is.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: lässt (present tense), ließ (past tense), gelassen (past participle)

Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense: ich lasse, du lässt, er/sie/es lässt, wir lassen, ihr lasst, sie/Sie lassen