
Meaning and Usage

"Scheinen" in German means "to shine" or "to seem." It is commonly used to describe the action of something shining, such as the sun, or to express how something appears to be based on a certain observation or perception.

Linguistic Analysis

"Scheinen" is a verb and belongs to the class of strong, irregular verbs in German. It is derived from the Old High German word "skenan," which means "to shine."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "scheinen" and the English word "shine" share similar meanings, referring to the action of emitting light. However, "scheinen" can also be used to express the sense of something appearing to be a certain way, which is a broader usage than the English "shine."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "scheinen" is commonly used to discuss the weather and the appearance of things, such as when describing how the sun is shining or how something seems to be based on a particular observation.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Sonne scheint heute sehr hell. (The sun is shining very brightly today.)
  2. Es scheint, als ob er sich verändert hat. (It seems as if he has changed.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "scheinen," you can associate it with the word "shine" in English, and also remember that it can also mean "to seem" or "to appear."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Schön (beautiful/nice)
  • Schein (glow/appearance)
  • Das Sonnenlicht (sunlight)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich scheine (I shine/seem)
  • Du scheinst (You shine/seem)
  • Er/sie/es scheint (He/she/it shines/seems)
  • Wir scheinen (We shine/seem)
  • Ihr scheint (You all shine/seem)
  • Sie scheinen (They shine/seem)