der Urlaub

Meaning and Usage

"Der Urlaub" in German translates to "the vacation" or "the holiday" in English. It refers to a period of time during which a person takes off from work or school to relax, travel, or engage in leisure activities. It can also refer to the leave from work or school itself.

Linguistic Analysis

"Urlaub" consists of the prefix "Ur-" and the root "laub." The prefix "Ur-" can indicate a complete or original form, and the root "laub" is related to "leave" or "passing away" in older Germanic languages.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Urlaub" is similar to the English word "holiday" which also refers to a period of time off from work or school for leisure, relaxation, or travel.

Cultural Context

In Germany, taking vacations is an important part of the work-life balance. Many Germans take their vacation days during the summer months, and it is common for businesses to slow down or even close during this time.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich freue mich schon auf meinen Urlaub in Spanien. (I am looking forward to my vacation in Spain.)
  2. Wir haben diesen Sommer zwei Wochen Urlaub. (We have two weeks of vacation this summer.)

Memory Tips

Think of "Urlaub" as the "ultimate leave" or "complete break" from work or daily routine.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Ferien (plural noun) - the holidays, the vacation
  • der Ferienort - the holiday resort
  • der Urlauber / die Urlauberin - the vacationer
  • sich erholen - to relax, to recuperate

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine Plural: die Urlaube or die Urlaube (rarely used; "Urlaube" is mostly used in the sense of "holidays" as in school vacations)


N/A as "Urlaub" is a noun.