
Meaning and Usage

The verb "annehmen" in German means "to accept" or "to take on." It is used to express the action of taking something that is offered or assuming a certain responsibility or task.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "annehmen" is a combination of the prefix "an-" (which can indicate "towards" or "on") and the verb "nehmen" (to take). When combined, it forms the word "annehmen," which means "to take on" or "to accept."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "annehmen" has a similar meaning to the English word "to accept" or "to take on." The prefix "an-" is comparable to the English "on" or "upon."

Cultural Context

In a business or social context, "annehmen" can be used when referring to accepting an offer or task. It is also commonly used in formal and informal settings to acknowledge or accept something from someone else.

Example Sentences

  • Sie hat das Jobangebot angenommen. (She accepted the job offer.)
  • Kannst du meine Hilfe annehmen? (Can you accept my help?)

Memory Tips

Associate "annehmen" with taking on a task by imagining someone reaching out (the "an-" prefix indicating "towards") to take something ("nehmen").

Additional Vocabulary

  • ablehnen (to reject)
  • annehmen (to assume)
  • übernehmen (to take over)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich nehme an (I accept)
  • du nimmst an (you accept)
  • er/sie/es nimmt an (he/she/it accepts)
  • wir nehmen an (we accept)
  • ihr nehmt an (you accept)
  • sie nehmen an (they accept)