
Meaning and Usage

"Schrank" in German refers to a cupboard, closet, or wardrobe used for storage, typically for clothes or household items.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Schrank" is a masculine noun in German. It does not consist of any prefixes or suffixes. Its etymology traces back to the Old High German word "scranc," meaning a bar or bolt.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Schrank" in German translates to "cupboard" or "closet" in English, denoting a piece of furniture for storage, similar to its German counterpart.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the "Schrank" is often an essential piece of furniture in bedrooms, used for storing clothes, linens, and other personal items.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Schrank ist voll mit Kleidung. (The wardrobe is full of clothes.)
  2. Sie stellte die Bücher in den Schrank. (She put the books in the cupboard.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Schrank" with "storage" as it is commonly used for storing clothes or household items.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: die Kleidung (clothing), die Aufbewahrung (storage)
  • Synonyms: der Wandschrank (wall cupboard), der Kleiderschrank (wardrobe)
  • Antonyms: die offene Regal (open shelf)

Gender and Plural

Gender: Masculine Plural: die Schränke


Not applicable, as "Schrank" is a noun and does not have a conjugated form.