
Meaning and Usage

"Trinken" means "to drink" in German. It is used to express the action of consuming a liquid, usually referring to beverages like water, juice, or coffee.

Linguistic Analysis

"Trinken" is an infinitive verb in German. It is derived from the Old High German word "trinkan," which has its roots in the Proto-Indo-European root "dreng-" meaning "to draw in water."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "trinken" in German directly corresponds to the English verb "to drink." Both words are used to express the action of consuming a liquid.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, the act of drinking is an integral part of social life, often involving traditional beverages such as beer, wine, and various regional specialties.

Example Sentences

  • Ich trinke gerne Kaffee. (I like to drink coffee.)
  • Sie trinkt jeden Tag Wasser. (She drinks water every day.)

Memory Tips

Associate "trinken" with the English word "drink" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Das Getränk (beverage)
  • Die Flasche (bottle)
  • Die Tasse (cup/mug)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich trinke (I drink)
  • du trinkst (you drink)
  • er/sie/es trinkt (he/she/it drinks)
  • wir trinken (we drink)
  • ihr trinkt (you all drink)
  • sie trinken (they drink)