
Meaning and Usage

"Erst" in German means "first" or "only" and is used to indicate the initial step in a sequence of actions or events. It can also convey the meaning of "not until" or "only then" in a temporal context.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erst" is an adverb in German and does not have a specific prefix, root, or suffix. Its usage can be traced back to Middle High German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erst" in German is similar in meaning to the word "first" in English, both indicating the initial position in a sequence. However, "erst" is often used in contexts where English might use "only" or "not until."

Cultural Context

In German culture, using "erst" can help convey a sense of priority or sequence in actions or events. It is commonly used in conversation, writing, and instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich werde erst studieren und dann arbeiten. (I will study first and then work.)
  2. Erst als er älter wurde, verstand er die Bedeutung dieser Worte. (Only when he got older did he understand the meaning of these words.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erst," associate it with the English word "first" for its sequential meaning, and remember that it can also mean "only" or "not until."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: zuerst, an erster Stelle (firstly, in the first place)
  • Antonyms: zuletzt, schließlich (lastly, finally)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)