
Meaning and Usage

"Bestellen" means "to order" in German. It is commonly used when placing an order for food, drinks, products, or services. It can also be used in the sense of requesting or arranging for something to be delivered or provided.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "bestellen" is a verb. It is composed of the prefix "be-" and the root "stellen." The prefix "be-" can indicate an action directed toward a specific goal, and "stellen" means "to place" or "to put." The combination conveys the act of placing or arranging something, which aligns with the meaning of "ordering" in the context of the word.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "bestellen" corresponds to the English word "to order." Both convey the action of requesting goods or services.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "bestellen" is widely used in various contexts, such as ordering food at a restaurant, making purchases online, or arranging for services to be provided.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte eine Pizza bestellen, bitte. (I would like to order a pizza, please.)
  2. Er hat einen neuen Computer im Internet bestellt. (He ordered a new computer online.)
  3. Sie bestellte ein Taxi, um zum Flughafen zu gelangen. (She ordered a taxi to get to the airport.)

Memory Tips

Associate "bestellen" with the act of "placing" an order, as the root "stellen" means "to place."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Bestellung (noun) - the order
  • der Bestellschein (noun) - the order form
  • anfordern (verb) - to request
  • kaufen (verb) - to buy

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (not applicable) as "bestellen" is a verb.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich bestelle (I order)
  • du bestellst (you order)
  • er/sie/es bestellt (he/she/it orders)
  • wir bestellen (we order)
  • ihr bestellt (you all order)
  • sie bestellen (they order)