
Meaning and Usage

"Handeln" in German means "to act" or "to trade". It can be used to describe taking action or conducting a transaction, such as buying or selling goods.

Linguistic Analysis

"Handeln" is a verb and doesn't have any specific prefixes or suffixes. It is derived from the Middle High German word "handeln".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "handeln" is similar in meaning to the English word "to act" but can also encompass the sense of "to trade" which is not directly included in the English word.

Cultural Context

In a business or trade context, "handeln" can refer to negotiating or haggling over a price, which is a common practice in some German-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie müssen jetzt handeln, um das Problem zu lösen. (You need to act now to solve the problem.)
  2. Er handelt mit Kunstwerken aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. (He trades in artworks from the 19th century.)

Memory Tips

Associate "handeln" with the English word "handle" to remember its meaning of taking action or dealing with something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Aktion (action)
  • der Handel (trade)
  • agieren (to act)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich handle (I act/trade)
  • du handelst (you act/trade)
  • er/sie/es handelt (he/she/it acts/trades)
  • wir handeln (we act/trade)
  • ihr handelt (you act/trade)
  • sie handeln (they act/trade)