
Meaning and Usage

"Bekommen" translates to "to get" or "to receive" in English. It is commonly used to indicate the action of obtaining something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "bekommen" is a verb and does not have any prefix or suffix. Its etymology comes from the Middle High German word "bekomen," which means "to come back, to return."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "bekommen" is similar in meaning to the English verb "to get" or "to receive."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "bekommen" is commonly used in various contexts to refer to receiving something, such as receiving a gift or receiving an answer.

Example Sentences

  • Ich habe gestern ein Geschenk bekommen. (Yesterday, I received a gift.)
  • Sie bekommt nächste Woche ihr Gehalt. (She will get her salary next week.)

Memory Tips

Associate "bekommen" with the idea of "coming back" or "returning" something, as a mnemonic to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • erhalten (to obtain/receive)
  • kriegen (to get/receive, colloquial)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As "bekommen" is a verb, it does not have gender or plural forms.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich bekomme (I get/receive)
  • du bekommst (you get/receive)
  • er/sie/es bekommt (he/she/it gets/receives)
  • wir bekommen (we get/receive)
  • ihr bekommt (you get/receive)
  • sie bekommen (they get/receive)