
Meaning and Usage

"Kolonie" in German refers to a colony, such as a settlement or community established by people from a specific country in a foreign land. It can also refer to a community of organisms, such as bees or ants, living together.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Kolonie" comes from the Latin "colonia" and ultimately from the verb "colere" which means "to cultivate" or "to inhabit." It is a feminine noun in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "colony" in English has a similar origin and meaning to "Kolonie" in German. Both words refer to a group of people or organisms living together in a specific area.

Cultural Context

In German history, the concept of "Kolonie" is linked to the colonial history of the country, particularly in Africa and the Pacific.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Briten gründeten eine Kolonie in Nordamerika.
  2. Die Ameisen bilden eine Kolonie, die aus Tausenden von Individuen besteht.

Memory Tips

Link "Kolonie" to the English word "colony" for an easy association.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Siedlung (settlement)
  • Das Territorium (territory)
  • Die Besiedlung (colonization)

Gender and Plural

Gender: feminine Plural: die Kolonien
