
Meaning and Usage

The German word "schützen" means "to protect" or "to guard." It is used to indicate the action of protecting someone or something from harm or danger.

Linguistic Analysis

"Schützen" is a verb derived from the root "schutz," which means "protection." It belongs to the regular verb group in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "schützen" in German corresponds to "to protect" or "to guard" in English. Both languages use this word to convey the act of safeguarding someone or something.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "schützen" extends beyond physical protection and can also include the idea of preserving traditions, heritage, and values.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir müssen die Umwelt schützen. (We must protect the environment.)
  2. Die Polizei schützt die Bürger vor Kriminalität. (The police protect the citizens from crime.)

Memory Tips

Associate "schützen" with the idea of a shield ("Schild" in German) as a mnemonic to remember its meaning of "protect" or "guard."

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Schutz (the protection)
  • schützend (protective)
  • schutzlos (unprotected)
  • schaden (to harm)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

The word "schützen" is a verb and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich schütze (I protect)
  • du schützt (you protect)
  • er/sie/es schützt (he/she/it protects)
  • wir schützen (we protect)
  • ihr schützt (you [plural] protect)
  • sie schützen (they protect)