das Gepäck

Meaning and Usage

"Das Gepäck" in German refers to luggage or baggage, usually used when traveling. It encompasses suitcases, bags, and other containers that hold personal belongings during a journey.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Gepäck" consists of the prefix "Ge-" and the root "Päck", which likely comes from the Middle High German "paecke" meaning "bundle". The "-ck" ending is common in German words that have a related form in Old High German or Middle High German. The prefix "Ge-" often conveys the idea of gathering or collecting in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Gepäck" is related to the English word "package" or "pack", but in German, it specifically refers to luggage or baggage.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, particularly during travel or when visiting someone, the concept of "Gepäck" is significant. It is essential to know how to navigate airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs while managing one's "Gepäck".

Example Sentences

  • Ich muss mein Gepäck am Flughafen abholen. (I have to pick up my luggage at the airport.)
  • Er half ihr, das schwere Gepäck die Treppe hinaufzutragen. (He helped her carry the heavy baggage up the stairs.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Gepäck" with the idea of gathering or packing, as the prefix "Ge-" often conveys this sense. You can also imagine a large suitcase or bag as a "pack" of items you have gathered for a journey.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Tasche (the bag)
  • der Koffer (the suitcase)
  • der Rucksack (the backpack)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: das (neuter)
  • Plural: die Gepäckstücke or simply die Gepäcke

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A (as "Gepäck" is a noun)