
Meaning and Usage

"Gratulieren" means "to congratulate" in English. It is used to express good wishes or praise to someone for an achievement or special occasion.

Linguistic Analysis

"Gratulieren" is a verb in German. It is derived from the Latin word "gratulari" which means "to give thanks, to show joy."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "gratulieren" in German is similar in meaning to the English word "to congratulate."

Cultural Context

In German culture, it is common to congratulate people on various occasions such as birthdays, weddings, job promotions, and other achievements. "Gratulieren" is a polite and important way to express well wishes in social and professional settings.

Example Sentences

  • Ich gratuliere dir zum Geburtstag. (I congratulate you on your birthday.)
  • Wir gratulieren euch zur Hochzeit. (We congratulate you on your wedding.)

Memory Tips

Associate "gratulieren" with the English word "congratulate" and practice using it in congratulatory phrases to solidify its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Gratulation (feminine, plural: die Gratulationen) - congratulation(s)
  • beglückwünschen - to congratulate
  • die Glückwünsche - good wishes

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich gratuliere (I congratulate)
  • du gratulierst (you congratulate)
  • er/sie/es gratuliert (he/she/it congratulates)
  • wir gratulieren (we congratulate)
  • ihr gratuliert (you [plural] congratulate)
  • sie gratulieren (they congratulate)