
Meaning and Usage

"Langsam" is the German word for "slow." It is used to describe something that is not fast or quick in movement, speed, or progress.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "langsam" is an adverb in German. It is derived from the Old High German "lango" (long) and the suffix "-sam" which indicates manner or action.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "langsam" in German is similar to the English word "slow," both in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

Germans are known for their punctuality and efficiency, so the concept of "langsam" may be somewhat relative to different cultures or contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Auto fährt langsam. (The car is driving slowly.)
  2. Er spricht sehr langsam, damit ich ihn gut verstehen kann. (He speaks very slowly so that I can understand him well.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "langsam" with the idea of "long time" or anything that takes a longer duration to complete to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: gemächlich (leisurely), behäbig (slow-moving)
  • Antonyms: schnell (fast), zügig (swift)

Gender and Plural

"Langsam" is an adverb and does not change according to gender or number.


As an adverb, "langsam" does not have a conjugation for different persons or tenses.