
Meaning and Usage

"Einkaufen" in German means "to shop" or "to purchase". It is commonly used when referring to buying groceries, clothes, or other items.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "einkaufen" is a combination of the prefix "ein-" meaning "in" or "into" and the root "kaufen" meaning "to buy". The suffix "-en" indicates the infinitive form of the verb. Therefore, "einkaufen" can be literally translated as "to buy into" or "to shop".

Comparisons between German and English

The word "einkaufen" in German is similar to the English verb "to shop" in terms of its meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "einkaufen" is a common activity, and there are designated shopping hours and areas in cities and towns. The process of grocery shopping, for example, can differ from other countries in terms of store layouts, product availability, and payment methods.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich gehe heute einkaufen. (I am going shopping today.)
  2. Wir müssen noch für das Wochenende einkaufen. (We still need to shop for the weekend.)

Memory Tips

Associate "einkaufen" with the English phrase "to shop in" to remember its meaning of "to shop" or "to purchase".

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Einkauf (the shopping)
  • einkaufen gehen (to go shopping)
  • der Einkäufer / die Einkäuferin (the shopper)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich kaufe ein (I shop/buy)
  • du kaufst ein (you shop/buy)
  • er/sie/es kauft ein (he/she/it shops/buys)
  • wir kaufen ein (we shop/buy)
  • ihr kauft ein (you all shop/buy)
  • sie kaufen ein (they shop/buy)