
Meaning and Usage

"Charakter" in German refers to a person's character or personality traits. It is used to describe the combination of qualities, features, and traits that form an individual's distinctive nature. "Charakter" can also refer to the nature or essence of something, such as the character of a place or a story's plot.

Linguistic Analysis

"Charakter" is a noun in German and doesn't have any specific prefix or suffix. The word has its origin in the Greek word "khara" (meaning "joy") and the suffix "-ter" (indicating a person or thing characterized by a specific quality).

Comparisons between German and English

The meaning of "Charakter" in German aligns closely with the English word "character," both referring to a person's attributes or the nature of something. The similarity in meaning makes it relatively easy for English speakers to understand and remember the German word.

Cultural Context

Understanding someone's "Charakter" is often valued in German culture, as personal integrity and character are highly regarded qualities. Additionally, in literature and storytelling, the development of a character's "Charakter" is an essential element in German cultural productions.

Example Sentences

  1. Sein Charakter ist sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit.
  2. Die Geschichte hat einen interessanten Charakter.
  3. Es ist wichtig, dass man seinen eigenen Charakter reflektiert.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Charakter," think of how a person's "character" defines their unique traits and nature.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Persönlichkeit (personality)
  • die Eigenschaften (attributes)
  • die Natur (nature)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Charakter" is masculine in German, and its plural form is "Charaktere."

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A - "Charakter" is a noun and not a verb, so it doesn't have a conjugated form.