
Meaning and Usage

"Geschicklichkeit" in German refers to skill or dexterity. It is used to describe the ability to perform tasks requiring coordination, agility, or proficiency in a particular activity.

Linguistic Analysis

"Geschicklichkeit" is a noun in German. It is composed of the root "Geschick" (skill) and the suffix "lichkeit" (denoting a quality or state). The word originates from the Middle High German "geschickelîch."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Geschicklichkeit" in German translates to "skill" or "dexterity" in English. Both languages use the term to convey the idea of proficiency in a particular ability or activity.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "Geschicklichkeit" is highly valued as it represents the ability to excel in various tasks or activities requiring dexterity and skill, such as in sports, craftsmanship, or problem-solving.

Example Sentences

  1. Seine Geschicklichkeit im Umgang mit Werkzeugen beeindruckte alle.
  2. Du hast eine bemerkenswerte Geschicklichkeit im Umgang mit Zahlen.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "Geschicklichkeit," think of it as the "skill-lichkeit," emphasizing the idea that it refers to skill and dexterity.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Fertigkeit (skill), Fingerfertigkeit (manual dexterity)
  • Antonyms: Ungeschicklichkeit (clumsiness), Unfähigkeit (inability)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Geschicklichkeiten

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A (as it's a noun)