
Meaning and Usage

"Kleiden" translates to "to dress" or "to clothe" in English and is commonly used to refer to the act of putting on clothes or dressing oneself.

Linguistic Analysis

"Kleiden" is a verb in German and does not have any specific prefix, root, or suffix. It is a regular verb and follows the standard conjugation patterns.

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "kleiden" is similar in meaning to the English verb "to dress" and is used in similar contexts to express the action of putting on clothing.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the act of dressing or attire is often considered an important aspect of personal presentation and can be influenced by regional and societal norms.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie kleidet sich für die Party.
  2. Ich kleide mich gern schick, wenn ich ausgehe.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "kleiden," think of the English word "clothe," as both convey the idea of dressing or putting on clothes.

Additional Vocabulary

  • sich anziehen (to get dressed)
  • Mode (fashion)
  • Kleidung (clothing)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich kleide (I dress)
  • du kleidest (you dress)
  • er/sie/es kleidet (he/she/it dresses)
  • wir kleiden (we dress)
  • ihr kleidet (you all dress)
  • sie kleiden (they dress)