
Meaning and Usage

"Zurzeit" in German means "currently" or "at the moment." It is used to indicate the present time, to express what is happening at the current moment.

Linguistic Analysis

"Zurzeit" is a compound word composed of the preposition "zu" (to) and the noun "die Zeit" (time). It can be literally translated as "to the time." The word's structure makes it an adverb indicating the current state or time.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "zurzeit" has a direct counterpart in English, which is "currently." Both words are used to refer to what is happening at the present time.

Cultural Context

In German culture, using the word "zurzeit" is common in both formal and informal contexts to indicate the current state of affairs or situations.

Example Sentences

  • "Zurzeit studiere ich Deutsch." (Currently, I am studying German.)
  • "Zurzeit bin ich sehr beschäftigt." (At the moment, I am very busy.)

Memory Tips

Associate "zurzeit" with the phrase "at the time" or "at the moment" in English to remember its meaning as indicating the current time.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Aktuell (current)
  • Gegenwärtig (presently)
  • Im Moment (at the moment)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Zurzeit" is not a noun; therefore, it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "zurzeit" is not a verb, it doesn't have a conjugation.