
Meaning and Usage

"Erkennen" in German means "to recognize" or "to identify." It is used to express the action of recognizing something or someone, whether it's a person, an object, or a situation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erkennen" is a verb and consists of the prefix "er-" and the root "kennen." The prefix "er-" often indicates a completion or a result of an action. The root "kennen" means "to know" or "to be acquainted with." Therefore, "erkennen" can be interpreted as "to know completely" or "to recognize."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erkennen" shares a similar meaning with its English counterpart "to recognize." Both words convey the idea of identifying or acknowledging something or someone.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "erkennen" can be used in various contexts, from recognizing a friend in a crowd to identifying a problem in a complex situation. It is a fundamental verb for expressing the act of recognition and acknowledgment.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich erkenne dich an deiner Stimme. (I recognize you by your voice.)
  2. Sie konnte das Gesicht des Täters nicht erkennen. (She couldn't recognize the face of the perpetrator.)
  3. Ich erkenne meine Fehler und werde sie korrigieren. (I recognize my mistakes and will correct them.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erkennen," think of the "er-" prefix as adding emphasis or completion to the action of "kennen," which means "to know." This can help you associate "erkennen" with the idea of "fully knowing" or "recognizing."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Erkennung (recognition)
  • erkennbar (recognizable)
  • wiedererkennen (to recognize again)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich erkenne (I recognize)
  • Du erkennst (You recognize)
  • Er/sie/es erkennt (He/she/it recognizes)
  • Wir erkennen (We recognize)
  • Ihr erkennt (You recognize - plural/formal)
  • Sie erkennen (They recognize)
  • Sie erkennen (You recognize - formal)