
Meaning and Usage

"Abfliegen" in German means "to take off" or "to fly away" in the context of airplanes. It is used when referring to the departure of airplanes.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "abfliegen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "ab-" indicating "away" or "off," and the verb "fliegen" meaning "to fly." The prefix "ab-" often indicates a movement away from a starting point.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "abfliegen" is similar to the English phrase "to take off" in the context of airplanes.

Cultural Context

In the context of travel and aviation, "abfliegen" is commonly used in German-speaking countries when discussing the departure of flights.

Example Sentences

  • Das Flugzeug wird morgen um 10 Uhr abfliegen. (The airplane will take off at 10 o'clock tomorrow.)
  • Die Passagiere müssen rechtzeitig am Flughafen sein, um pünktlich abfliegen zu können. (The passengers need to be at the airport on time to be able to depart on schedule.)

Memory Tips

Associate "abfliegen" with the idea of a plane flying away from the airport, using the "ab-" prefix to indicate the departure.

Additional Vocabulary

  • der Abflug (the departure)
  • die Startbahn (the runway)
  • der Flughafen (the airport)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich fliege ab (I take off)
  • du fliegst ab (you take off)
  • er/sie/es fliegt ab (he/she/it takes off)
  • wir fliegen ab (we take off)
  • ihr fliegt ab (you [plural] take off)
  • sie fliegen ab (they take off)