
Meaning and Usage

"Stiegen" is the plural form of the German noun "die Stiege." It refers to a flight of stairs or a staircase. It is commonly used to talk about climbing or descending a set of stairs.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "stiegen" is the plural form of the noun "die Stiege," which is derived from the Middle High German word "stiege," meaning ladder. It is related to the verb "steigen," which means to climb.

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "stiegen" translates to "stairs" or "staircase" in the plural form, and it is related to the verb "to climb."

Cultural Context

Stairs are an essential architectural feature and a common means of vertical circulation in buildings, so the word "stiegen" is frequently used in everyday conversations in German-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Stiegen führen in den Keller.
  2. Wir stiegen die steilen Stufen hinauf.
  3. Die bunte Treppe hat sieben Stiegen.

Memory Tips

To remember the word "stiegen," you can associate it with the action of climbing stairs, as it is related to the verb "steigen," which means "to climb."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Treppe (the stairs)
  • die Stufe (the step)
  • die Leiter (the ladder)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • die Stiege (feminine) - singular
  • die Stiegen (plural)

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "stiegen" is the plural form of the noun "Stiege," it does not have a verb conjugation. If you are looking for the verb conjugation, "steigen" is the infinitive form, and its present tense conjugation for the pronoun "sie" (they) is "steigen."