der Partner

Meaning and Usage

"Der Partner" in German means "the partner" and is used to refer to a person who is involved in a personal or professional relationship, such as a spouse, business associate, or dance partner.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Partner" in German is a masculine noun. It does not have any prefix or suffix and is derived from the Latin word "particeps" meaning "one who takes part in something."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Partner" in German is similar to its English counterpart, both in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "der Partner" is commonly used to refer to a romantic partner or a business associate. It can also be used in the context of dance or sports partnerships.

Example Sentences

  1. Mein Partner und ich haben ein erfolgreiches Geschäft aufgebaut. (My partner and I have built a successful business.)
  2. Sie ist meine Tanzpartnerin, aber er ist ihr Geschäftspartner. (She is my dance partner, but he is her business partner.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "der Partner," think of how partners are individuals who work together, whether in a personal, professional, or recreational context.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Partnerin (feminine form, singular) - the female partner
  • die Partnerinnen (plural) - the female partners
  • der Geschäftspartner - the business partner
  • der Lebenspartner - the life partner

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Singular: der Partner (masculine)
  • Plural: die Partner

Conjugation (for verbs)