
Meaning and Usage

"Entwickeln" means "to develop" in English. It is commonly used when referring to the process of growth, progress, evolution, or the development of something, such as a project, idea, or concept.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "entwickeln" is a verb and consists of the prefix "ent-" and the root "wickeln." The prefix "ent-" implies a movement away or transformation, while the root "wickeln" means to wrap or wind. Therefore, "entwickeln" conveys the idea of something unwrapping or unfolding, relating to the concept of development or unfolding.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "entwickeln" and its English counterpart "develop" share a similar meaning and are used in comparable contexts. Both words convey the idea of growth, progress, or advancement.

Cultural Context

The concept of "developing" is essential in various aspects of German culture, including technological, economic, and social development. This word is commonly used in conversations about innovation, progress, and personal growth.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Unternehmen möchte neue Produkte entwickeln. (The company wants to develop new products.)
  2. Kinder entwickeln sich in unterschiedlichem Tempo. (Children develop at different paces.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "entwickeln," think of the process of "unwrapping" or "unfolding" something new, likening it to the development of ideas or projects.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Entwicklung (f) - development
  • Entwickelungsfähig - developable
  • Entwicklungsprozess (m) - development process

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich entwickle (I develop)
  • Du entwickelst (You develop)
  • Er/Sie/Es entwickelt (He/She/It develops)
  • Wir entwickeln (We develop)
  • Ihr entwickelt (You [plural] develop)
  • Sie entwickeln (They develop)