
Meaning and Usage

"Pflege" in German means "care" or "nursing." It is commonly used to refer to the act of taking care of someone or something, such as nursing care, personal care, or maintenance.

Linguistic Analysis

"Pflege" is a noun in German. It doesn't have a distinct prefix, root, or suffix. The word comes from the Middle High German "pflege" and ultimately from the Old High German "phlega," which means 'tending' or 'watching over.'

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Pflege" is similar in meaning and usage to the English word "care."

Cultural Context

In the context of German culture, "Pflege" can refer to the care of the elderly, the sick, or people with disabilities. It is also used in the context of maintaining and caring for objects or nature, such as garden care or car maintenance.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Pflege älterer Menschen erfordert Geduld und Einfühlungsvermögen. (Caring for elderly people requires patience and empathy.)
  2. Die Pflege der Pflanzen im Garten macht mir viel Freude. (Taking care of the plants in the garden brings me a lot of joy.)

Memory Tips

Think of "Pflege" as taking care of someone or something, as it sounds similar to the English word "care."

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Krankenpflege (nursing care)
  • die Altenpflege (elderly care)
  • die Kinderpflege (child care)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Pflegen

Conjugation (for verbs)

"Pflegen" is the verb form, meaning "to care for" or "to nurse."

  • ich pflege (I care for)
  • du pflegst (you care for)
  • er/sie/es pflegt (he/she/it cares for)
  • wir pflegen (we care for)
  • ihr pflegt (you all care for)
  • sie pflegen (they care for)