
Meaning and Usage

"Diese" means "these" or "this" in English. It is used as a demonstrative pronoun to point out specific objects or people.

Linguistic Analysis

"Diese" is the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun "dieser" (this/this one). It agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "diese" has a direct counterpart in English as "these" for plural objects, and "this" for singular objects.

Cultural Context

Using demonstrative pronouns like "diese" is essential in German communication to indicate specific objects or people in conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Diese Bücher sind interessant. (These books are interesting.)
  2. Möchtest du diese Blumen haben? (Do you want these flowers?)

Memory Tips

Associate "diese" with "these" in English, remembering that "diese" is used for plural objects or people.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: dieser (this), jene (those), das Objekt (the object), die Person (the person)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)