
Meaning and Usage

"Enthalten" in German means "to contain" or "to include", commonly used when referring to the content of something or ingredients in a product. It can also be used to express the idea of "to withhold" or "to refrain from".

Linguistic Analysis

"Enthalten" is a verb and can be broken down into the prefix "ent-" and the root "halten", with the suffix "-en". The prefix "ent-" often indicates a reversal or removal of an action, and "halten" means "to hold". The word traces its origin to the Middle High German "enthalten".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "enthalten" can be translated to "to contain" or "to withhold" in English. Both languages use this word to express the idea of something being included within something else.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "enthalten" is commonly used in product labels, such as food packaging, to indicate the ingredients contained in the product, following EU regulations for food labeling. It is also used in legal contexts to denote restraining from an action.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Produkt enthält Milch und Nüsse.
  2. Bitte enthalte dich jeglicher Kommentare.
  3. Die Antwort ist in diesem Brief enthalten.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "enthalten", think of the prefix "ent-" as taking something out and "halten" as holding, so "enthalten" means to hold something out, or to contain something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Enthalten (adjective) - contained
  • Einschließen (verb) - to include
  • Beinhalten (verb) - to comprise, to include

Gender and Plural

Enthalten is a verb and does not have a gender or plural form.


  • Ich enthalte (I contain/withhold)
  • Du enthältst (you contain/withhold)
  • Er/sie/es enthält (he/she/it contains/withholds)
  • Wir enthalten (we contain/withhold)
  • Ihr enthält (you all contain/withhold)
  • Sie enthalten (they contain/withhold)