
Meaning and Usage

"ausgehen" in German can have multiple meanings. It can mean "to go out" in the sense of leaving one's current location, such as going out for dinner or going out for a walk. It can also mean "to run out" or "to come from," depending on the context.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ausgehen" is a separable verb, consisting of the prefix "aus-" and the verb "gehen." In this case, "gehen" is the infinitive form of the verb, and "aus-" is a separable prefix. The word originated from Middle High German and has evolved over time.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "ausgehen" can be translated to "to go out" in English. It's important to note that, as a separable verb, the prefix "aus-" will often be separated from the main verb in sentences, such as "Ich gehe heute Abend aus" (I am going out tonight).

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, "ausgehen" is commonly used in the context of socializing and entertainment. It can refer to going out for dinner, attending events, or simply spending time outside of home.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich gehe heute Abend aus. (I am going out tonight.)
  2. Das Geld geht langsam aus. (The money is running out.)
  3. Wo geht diese Straße aus? (Where does this street lead to?)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "ausgehen," think of the English expression "to go out," which closely aligns with the meaning of the German word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • ausgehend (participle of ausgehen, meaning "outgoing")
  • das Ausgehen (the going out, the socializing)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

Present tense conjugation:

  • ich gehe aus (I go out)
  • du gehst aus (you go out)
  • er/sie/es geht aus (he/she/it goes out)
  • wir gehen aus (we go out)
  • ihr geht aus (you go out - plural)
  • sie gehen aus (they go out)