
Meaning and Usage

"Euer" is a German possessive pronoun that means "your" (plural). It is used to indicate possession or ownership of something by a group of people being addressed.

Linguistic Analysis

"Euer" is derived from the Middle High German word "iwer," which ultimately comes from the Old High German "iuuēr," and it is related to the English word "your." It does not change its form based on the gender or case of the noun it is referring to.

Comparisons between German and English

In both German and English, possessive pronouns indicate ownership, but they differ in terms of specific forms and usage.

Cultural Context

In a formal context, "euer" is used to address a group of people. It is important to understand the appropriate context for using formal and informal pronouns in the German language, as this reflects social norms and etiquette.

Example Sentences

  1. Wo habt ihr euer Auto geparkt? (Where did you park your car?)
  2. Wir haben euer Geschenk bekommen. (We received your gift.)

Memory Tips

Associate "euer" with the English word "your" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: dein (your - singular informal), sein (his), ihr (her/their - singular informal), unser (our), ihr (your - plural formal)
  • Antonym: mein (my)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"euer" does not have a gender or plural form, as it remains the same for all genders and numbers.

Conjugation (for verbs)

As "euer" is not a verb, it does not have a conjugated form.