
Meaning and Usage

"aussehen" means "to look" or "to appear" in English. It is used to describe the way someone or something appears, or to express an opinion about their appearance.

Linguistic Analysis

"aussehen" is a regular verb. It is composed of the prefix "aus-" and the verb "sehen" (to see). The prefix "aus-" indicates a sense of outward appearance or completion.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "aussehen" in German is similar to the English word "to look" or "to appear" in terms of its meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, appearance and one's outward presentation are often seen as important, reflecting the value placed on a neat and tidy appearance in various social and professional situations.

Example Sentences

  • Sie sieht heute glücklich aus. (She looks happy today.)
  • Das Haus sieht alt aus. (The house looks old.)

Memory Tips

Think of "aussehen" as "out-seeing," indicating the appearance or outward look of something or someone.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Anblick (sight)
  • Erscheinung (appearance)
  • sich präsentieren (to present oneself)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich sehe aus (I look)
  • du siehst aus (you look)
  • er/sie/es sieht aus (he/she/it looks)
  • wir sehen aus (we look)
  • ihr seht aus (you look)
  • sie sehen aus (they look)