
Meaning and Usage

"Wiederholung" in German means "repetition" or "review." It is commonly used to refer to the act of repeating something, such as a lesson or an exercise, for the purpose of reinforcement or revisiting a previously learned material.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wiederholung" is a noun in German, derived from the verb "wiederholen," which means "to repeat" or "to review." The word is composed of the prefix "wieder-" meaning "again" or "re-" and the root "holung" derived from the verb "holen," meaning "to fetch" or "to get."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Wiederholung" is similar in meaning to the English word "repetition" or "review." Both languages use similar concepts to denote the act of repeating or reviewing something.

Cultural Context

In the context of language learning, "Wiederholung" plays a crucial role as it emphasizes the importance of repetition and review for effective learning and retention. It also reflects the German value of thoroughness and attention to detail in learning and work.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Wiederholung des Lernstoffes ist wichtig für das Verständnis.
  2. Machen wir eine kurze Wiederholung der letzten Lektion.

Memory Tips

Associate "Wiederholung" with the idea of "fetching again" or "retrieving for repetition," linking the root "holung" to the concept of bringing something back for review.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Wiederholen (verb) - to repeat
  • Wiederholungsprüfung (feminine noun) - revision exam
  • Wiederholungsübung (feminine noun) - review exercise

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: die Wiederholungen

As a noun, "Wiederholung" is feminine, and its plural form is "die Wiederholungen."

Conjugation (for verbs)

N/A - "Wiederholung" is a noun and does not have verb conjugations.