
Meaning and Usage

"Mitnehmen" in German means "to take along" or "to take with". It is used to express the action of taking something or someone along to a different place.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "mitnehmen" is a combination of the prefix "mit-" which means "with" and the verb "nehmen" which means "to take". Its structure follows the pattern of separable prefix verbs, where the prefix "mit-" separates from the main verb "nehmen" in certain sentence constructions.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "mitnehmen" can be translated to "to take along" or "to take with", which reflects its usage and meaning in German.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "mitnehmen" can be seen in the emphasis on being considerate and thinking about others by offering to take them along when going somewhere.

Example Sentences

  1. Kann ich meinen Hund mitnehmen? (Can I take my dog along?)
  2. Vergiss nicht, deine Hausaufgaben mitzunehmen. (Don't forget to take your homework with you.)
  3. Wir möchten etwas zu essen für die Reise mitnehmen. (We want to take some food along for the trip.)

Memory Tips

Associate "mitnehmen" with the idea of "taking along" by visualizing taking something with you on a trip or outing.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words:

  • mitbringen (to bring along)
  • mitfahren (to travel along)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich nehme mit (I take along)
  • Du nimmst mit (You take along)
  • Er/Sie/Es nimmt mit (He/She/It takes along)
  • Wir nehmen mit (We take along)
  • Ihr nehmt mit (You take along)
  • Sie nehmen mit (They take along)