das Frühstück

Meaning and Usage

"Das Frühstück" in German refers to the meal of breakfast. It typically includes items such as bread, butter, jam, cold cuts, cheese, and sometimes also eggs and cereal.

Linguistic Analysis

"Frühstück" is a compound noun in German, consisting of the two parts "früh" (early) and "Stück" (piece). Together, they form "Frühstück," which literally translates to "early piece."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Frühstück" in German is very similar in meaning to the English word "breakfast."

Cultural Context

Breakfast is considered an important meal in German culture, often seen as a leisurely and social affair, particularly on weekends.

Example Sentences

  • Ich esse jeden Morgen ein gesundes Frühstück. (Every morning, I eat a healthy breakfast.)
  • Das deutsche Frühstück besteht oft aus Brot, Käse und Wurst. (The German breakfast often consists of bread, cheese, and cold cuts.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Frühstück" with the idea of starting the day with a "piece" of food in the "early" morning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Essen (the food)
  • der Morgen (the morning)
  • der Kaffee (the coffee)
  • der Tee (the tea)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: das (neuter) Plural: die Frühstücke

Conjugation (for verbs)