
Meaning and Usage

"Beantworte" is the imperative form of the verb "antworten," which means "to answer" or "to respond" in English. It is used to give a direct command or request to someone to answer or respond to a question or a statement.

Linguistic Analysis

"Beantworte" is derived from the verb "antworten" (to answer) with the prefix "be-" added to form the imperative form. The prefix "be-" can indicate completion or thoroughness. "Antworten" comes from the Old High German word "andworden," which means "to reply."

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "beantworte" has a similar meaning to its English counterpart "to answer," and it shares the same root "antworten."

Cultural Context

In German culture, politeness is highly valued, and using the imperative form "beantworte" when asking someone to answer a question or respond to a statement is a polite and respectful way of making a request.

Example Sentences

  1. Beantworte die Frage, bitte. (Answer the question, please.)
  2. Bitte beantworte die E-Mail so schnell wie möglich. (Please respond to the email as soon as possible.)

Memory Tips

Associate "beantworte" with the English word "answer" and remember that it is used to give a direct command to someone to answer or respond.

Additional Vocabulary

  • antworten (to answer, to respond)
  • die Antwort (the answer, the response)
  • reagieren (to react, to respond)

Gender and Plural

N/A (since "beantworte" is a verb)


  • ich antworte (I answer)
  • du antwortest (you answer)
  • er/sie/es antwortet (he/she/it answers)
  • wir antworten (we answer)
  • ihr antwortet (you all answer)
  • sie antworten (they answer)