
Meaning and Usage

"Umziehen" means "to move (change residence)" or "to change clothes." It's used when referring to relocating to a new place or changing one's outfit.

Linguistic Analysis

"Umziehen" is a combination of the prefix "um-" (indicating movement or change) and the verb "ziehen" (to pull or to move). It belongs to the class of strong verbs in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "umziehen" has a direct equivalent in English: "to move" in the context of changing residences, and "to change clothes."

Cultural Context

In Germany, "umziehen" plays a significant role in cultural practices, especially during the popular tradition of "Umzug" (relocation or parade) commonly seen during festivals and holidays.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte in eine neue Wohnung umziehen. (I want to move to a new apartment.)
  2. Nach der Arbeit ziehe ich mich um, um zum Sport zu gehen. (After work, I change my clothes to go to the gym.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "umziehen," think of the "um" prefix as indicating movement or change, so "umziehen" means to move or change (residence or clothes).

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: umsiedeln (to relocate), sich umkleiden (to change clothes)
  • Related words: der Umzug (the move/relocation), die Umkleide (the changing room)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich ziehe um (I move / am moving)
  • Du ziehst um (You move / are moving)
  • Er/Sie/Es zieht um (He/She/It moves / is moving)
  • Wir ziehen um (We move / are moving)
  • Ihr zieht um (You move / are moving)
  • Sie ziehen um (They move / are moving)