
Meaning and Usage

Vortrag translates to "lecture" or "presentation" in English and refers to a speech or a talk given in a formal setting, often with the purpose of informing, explaining, or persuading an audience. It can also denote a musical performance or a recital.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Vortrag" is a compound noun in German, derived from the combination of "vor" (before) and "Trag" (from the verb "tragen," meaning "to carry"). The literal translation would be "before-carrying" or "forebearing," reflecting the concept of presenting or delivering information.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Vortrag" is similar to the English term "lecture" in terms of its primary meaning related to delivering a formal speech. However, "presentation" is a more general term in English, encompassing various types of displays of information, whereas "Vortrag" in German is often more specific to a spoken presentation.

Cultural Context

In the academic and professional context in German-speaking countries, the word "Vortrag" holds significant importance, as it is commonly used to refer to lectures and presentations in educational and business settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Vortrag über Kunstgeschichte war sehr informativ.
  2. Sie wird einen Vortrag über Umweltschutz halten.

Memory Tips

Associate "Vortrag" with the idea of "carrying forth" the information or message before an audience. Visualizing the act of presenting or carrying forth information can aid in remembering the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Lecture - die Vorlesung
  • Presentation - die Präsentation
  • To present - präsentieren
  • Speech - die Rede

Gender and Plural

Gender: masculine Plural: die Vorträge


As "Vortrag" is a noun, it does not have a conjugation for different tenses.