
Meaning and Usage

"Meist-" is a prefix in German that means "most" or "mostly." It is often used to form adverbs or adjectives to indicate something that happens most of the time or is mostly of a certain quality.

Linguistic Analysis

The prefix "meist-" comes from the Middle High German word "meist," which ultimately originates from the Old High German word "meist," meaning "most."

Comparisons between German and English

The prefix "meist-" is similar to the English prefix "most-," which is used in a similar way to indicate the superlative or most frequent occurrence of something.

Cultural Context

The use of "meist-" in German is integral to expressing the frequency or predominant quality of something in conversations, formal or informal writings, and literature.

Example Sentences

  • Die meistbesuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Stadt sind immer überfüllt. (The most visited attractions in the city are always overcrowded.)
  • Ihre Meinung ist meistens richtig. (Her opinion is mostly right.)

Memory Tips

Associate "meist-" with the English word "most" to remember its meaning of indicating the superlative or the most frequent occurrence of something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • meistens: mostly, most of the time
  • meistgenutzte: most used
  • Hauptmeister: chief master

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

As a prefix, "meist-" does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)